A comparative experimental investigation of high-temperature effect on fibre concrete and high strength concrete using UT and CM methods


  • Javad Royaei Near East University, Department of Civil Engineering, Lefkosa, Via Mersin 10, Turkey
  • Kabir Sadeghi Near East University, Department of Civil Engineering, Lefkosa, Via Mersin 10, Turkey https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1578-6857
  • Fatemeh Nouban Near East University, Department of Civil Engineering, Lefkosa, Via Mersin 10, Turkey




fibre concrete, high strength concrete, temperature, ultrasonic text


In this paper, a 28-day compressive strength test has been performed on samples including normal fibre concrete and high-strength concrete. The ultrasonic test (UT) as a non-destructive and compression machine (CM) as a destructive test were applied, and the results were compared. To investigate the effect of temperature, the samples were subjected to 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, and 1200 degrees Celsius and the exposure time was equal to 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, and 180 minutes. Based on the results, it was observed that the minimum error observed between the UT and CM tests was 2.9 % and the maximum error between the two methods was 10.9 %, which shows the high accuracy of the ultrasonic testing method in determining the specimen’s strength. The average probable error of the method is determined to be around 6.8 %.
Based on the results of the average decrease in compressive strength versus the heat exposure time, it is observed that the trend of changes and decrease in resistance over time for both types of tests is almost the same and has a negligible difference. At the end of 180 minutes of exposure, the resistance ratio for the ultrasonic test is 69.8 %, and 71.1 % for the compression machine. Furthermore, according to the average reduction in compressive strength due to heat exposure time, it has been observed that the results of the UT and UM tests have slight numerical differences, however, the trend of changes and reduction in resistance over time for both types of tests is almost the same. Finally, the accuracy of the UT in determining the compressive strength of specimens at high temperatures is fully confirmed.



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How to Cite

Royaei, J., Sadeghi, K., & Nouban, F. (2023). A comparative experimental investigation of high-temperature effect on fibre concrete and high strength concrete using UT and CM methods. Acta Polytechnica, 63(3), 208–215. https://doi.org/10.14311/AP.2023.63.0208
Received 2023-01-15
Accepted 2023-04-25
Published 2023-07-04