Problems with reinforced concrete industrial floors with regard to subsoil swelling


  • Jan Pruška Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Thákurova 7, 166 29 Prague 6 – Dejvice, Czech Republic
  • Miroslav Šedivý GeoTec-GS, a.s., Chmelová 2920/6, 106 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic
  • Vojtěch Anderle Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Thákurova 7, 166 29 Prague 6 – Dejvice, Czech Republic



swelling of clays, indirect prediction of swelling, concrete floors


Most of the problems associated with open cracks in reinforced concrete industrial floors do not arise from technological indiscipline in the execution or exceeding the permitted floor load, but from the geotechnical profile beneath the floor. In the presence of swelling soil in the subsoil, the floors can then be shifted upwards by centimeters and create open cracks. This article describes regression relationships for the prediction of swelling pressure and deformation of reinforced concrete industrial floors based on indirect measurements. These relationships were obtained by evaluating a large database of measurements carried out by the company GeoTec-GS and the Czech Technical University in Prague using neural networks, multiple correlation, regression analysis, and sensitivity analysis. The article also presents the actual classification of the risk of surface damage of reinforced concrete floors due to swelling of the subsoil and an example of its application is given.



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How to Cite

Pruška, J., Šedivý, M., & Anderle, V. (2024). Problems with reinforced concrete industrial floors with regard to subsoil swelling. Acta Polytechnica, 64(1), 34-41.
Received 2023-08-07
Accepted 2023-12-11
Published 2024-03-04