Drece method for continuous severe plastic deformation of CuZn37 sheets
This paper presents a continuous severe plastic deformation (SPD) process for sheet metal called Dual Rolls Equal Channel Extrusion (DRECE) is introduced. The DRECE process achieves maximum sheet metal deformation by combining bending deformation with channel-angular shear deformation. The evolution of the microstructure and mechanical properties of the CuZn37 alloy has been experimentally investigated as a function of the number of repeated DRECE passes. The DRECE process was repeated up to four times at room temperature. As the number of passes increased, the character of the microstructure was gradually strongly deformed by intensive shear deformation. The microhardness and tensile properties changed significantly as a function of the number of repeated passes.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Martin Pastrňák, Radek Čada, Tomáš Pektor, Stanislav Rusz, František Tatíček, Jarosław Mizera, Marie Pastrňáková

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