Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic as a leader in polymer technologies in Central Europe: from contact lenses to 3D printing


  • Marcela Efmertová Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Historical Laboratory of (Electro)Technology, Technická 2, 166 27 Prague, Czech Republic



History of science, history of polymers, contact lenses, Otto Wichterle, Czechoslovakia, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Czech Academy of Sciences, Josef Průša


The Czech Republic prides itself on a long-standing tradition in the scientific field of polymer studies and technologies. Seen in this light, the following article seeks to single out this particular tradition and to highlight some of the facts concerning practical applications that have been significantly enhanced by Czech experts such as Otto Wichterle in the latter half of the 20th century. Otto Wichterle, a prominent Czech chemist, revolutionised the field of ophthalmology with his invention of soft contact lenses. Despite the restrictive regime of Communist Czechoslovakia, Wichterle’s innovative work in organic chemistry, plastics, and biomaterials led to the development of hydrophilic soft contact lenses. His home-based experimental setup, which included a children construction set, a bicycle light battery, a phonograph motor, and homemade glass tubing and moulds, resulted in the creation of a transparent and absorbent gel suitable for eye implants. Wichterle’s pioneering work has had a profound global impact, with his invention now used by over 100 million people worldwide. His research has also paved the way for the development of “smart” biomaterials used in various medical devices.


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History of Science and Technology

How to Cite

Efmertová, M. . (2024). Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic as a leader in polymer technologies in Central Europe: from contact lenses to 3D printing. Acta Polytechnica, 64(3), 194-204.
Received 2024-03-11
Accepted 2024-04-24
Published 2024-07-09