The decimalisation of Republican time. The French Revolution which failed (1793–1795)
History of Technology, France, French Revolution, Republican Time, Republican calendar, Decimal (time) system, Ancien regime, 18th century, 19th centuryAbstract
The French Revolution is rightly regarded as a major milestone in human history. Its most famous ideas of equality and freedom have endured up to the present day, but these were not the only ideas promoted during this turbulent time. In order to establish a new social order, the revolutionaries proposed, among other things, the use of decimal time which was part of the so-called Republican calendar. This chapter will focus on the circumstances of the creation, application, and the use of the decimal (time) system, analyse the reaction of society, and explain the reasons for the early demise of this revolutionary undertaking.
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Accepted 2024-04-11
Published 2024-07-09