Performance improvement of manipulator actuated by pneumatic artificial muscles based on synergetic control and social spider optimisation algorithm
PAM-actuated Manipulator, synergetic algorithm control theory, sliding mode controller, social spider optimization algorithmAbstract
The manipulator actuated by pneumatic artificial muscles (PAM) is a widely used type of robotic arm in industrial automation. However, its performance can be limited by non-linear dynamics and uncertainties in the system. To overcome these limitations, this paper proposes a synergetic control strategy (SACT) to improve the performance of the SACT, a social spider optimisation algorithm (SSO) has been suggested for adjusting its parameters. To verify the performance of a PAM-actuated manipulator based on an optimal SACT controller, a computer simulation study was conducted using MATLAB software. Moreover, a comparison study between the optimal synergetic algorithm control theory and the optimal sliding mode controller (SMC) has been made in terms of robustness and transient behaviour characteristics. The provided simulation results have shown that the SACT controller exhibited quicker convergence towards the desired trajectory and maintained a lower steadystate error as compared to the SMC controller. Additionally, the SACT controller demonstrated more resilience to variations in parameters and showed more robust characteristics.
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