Interstellar gas motions around massive star formation regions in the nearby dwarf galaxy DDO43
line: profiles, turbulence, methods: data analysis, surveys, galaxies: ISM, radio lines: ISM, ultraviolet: starsAbstract
Areas of massive star formation are strongly influenced by stellar winds and supernovae, therefore, enhanced turbulent flows are expected. We analyse high-quality Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array observations of the neutral hydrogen gas content of DDO43, a relatively nearby irregular dwarf galaxy. The line wings of neutral hydrogen spectral lines, which provide insights into local enhanced velocity dispersion, are investigated together with far-ultraviolet data, tracing emissions from massive star-forming regions. We find very weak correlations with both higher and lower velocity areas.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Enikő Pichler, Bendegúz Koncz, Krisztina É. Gabányi, András Péter Joó, L. Viktor Tóth

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