
  • Lin Qi Civil Aviation University of China, Airport College
  • Zifei Li Civil Aviation University of China, Airport College
  • Hui Pan Civil Aviation University of China, Airport College
  • Lingtong Li Civil Aviation University of China, Airport College
  • Xin Huang Civil Aviation University of China, Airport College



Reciprocal frame, Connector of reciprocal frame, Numerical model of connector, Mechanical model of connector, Full-scale test


In this paper, we design an adjustable connector of reciprocal frame, and a three-dimensional solid model of this connector with Circular Hollow Section has been created in the FEM software Abaqus CAE to study its mechanical properties. When the plastic hinge is formed at the end of the Circular Hollow Section, the connector is still in an elastic state. It is concluded that the adjustable connector of reciprocal frame has high strength and rigidity, realizing the goal for designing higher connector strength over Circular Hollow Section strength. Then parametric analysis is used to analyse the influence of the connector about each part on the mechanical properties, and the flexural rigidity of the connector has been derived. A three-dimensional wire model of reciprocal frames has been created in the FEM software Abaqus CAE, and a full-scale test model of the structure is designed. The numerical simulation results agree well with the test results. It is verified that the reliability of the modeling method and the accuracy of the connector mechanical model.


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How to Cite

STUDY ON ADJUSTABLE CONNECTOR OF RECIPROCAL FRAME. (2021). Stavební Obzor - Civil Engineering Journal, 30(2).
Received 2020-11-30
Accepted 2021-05-16
Published 2021-07-28