Welcome to The Civil Engineering Journal website

The Civil Engineering Journal is an online peer reviewed Open Access scientific journal published by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic. The journal incorporates various fields of civil engineering and presents the latest progress in research and development. The scope of the journal covers various fields of civil engineering.

The journal continues the tradition of the former Technical Bulletin (published between years 1893 and 1950, czech language) and is available online in english since 2015.

Four issues a year are published in March, July, October and December and articles are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY).

The Civil Engineering Journal is indexded in DOAJ, EBSCO, ESCI, EI Compendex databases.

The Civil Engineering Journal is supported by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, CzechTechnical University in Prague and by ČKAIT ( Czech Chamber of Authorized Engineers and Technicians in Construction).


12.07.2023 - CEJ now has an WoS Impact Factor (IF)!  2023 Journal Impakt Factor is 0,2, for more information about the journals WoS statistics see link.

25.04.2022 - We are pleased to announce that the Civil Engineering Journal has become a media partner for the
XVI. Hydrogeological congress that will be held in Ústí nad Labem 6.9 - 9.9.2022, Czech Republic.

05.1.2021 - We would like to inform you that a new template is now available and is mandatory for all issues published from 2021.

01.1.2021 - The journal redaction system have been updated to the Open Journal System. Inserting an article is now done via system submission and processing is much more efficient now.

Articles publishing is still free of charge.