
  • IfeOlorun Olofin Jiangsu University



Cable structures, Suspen dome, Cable-strut system, CFRP cable, Steel cable


This study investigated the feasibility of using CFRP cable as tension cables in suspen domes in view of the fact that suspen domes have been made with steel cables as its cable-strut system for centuries due to its availability. Indisputably, CFRP cables have become the material of choice in the 21st century for its efficiency and innovative design in bridge works. However, the application of CFRP cables to other cable structures has been limited. The need for its application to other cable structures is required in order to acquire more knowledge about its behavioral patterns. This paper gives preliminary findings of a successfully designed and constructed suspen dome prototype which comprehensively deepens the understanding of CFRP cable performance as a cable-strut system in a suspen dome. Results show that with its high stiffness, low weight and high strength, CFRP has proven to be a technically efficient and adequately strengthening material for structurally improving the adequacy of a suspen dome.


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How to Cite

SUSPEN DOME: AN EVALUATION WITH CFRP CABLES. (2021). Stavební Obzor - Civil Engineering Journal, 30(2).
Received 2021-01-30
Accepted 2021-07-18
Published 2021-07-28