Application of BIM technology combined with artificial intelligence in construction management

artificial intelligence in construction management


  • Guoan Wei Henan Technical College of Construction



Building information modeling, Construction management, etic algorithm, Layout optimization


The construction industry is a kind of multi-project engineering. The management in the construction process is an important factor in ensuring construction quality. This paper briefly introduced the relevant content of building information modeling (BIM) and the application of BIM combined with the genetic algorithm in optimizing the processing scheme in the cutting process of steel structure buildings, and took a grid-shaped steel shed in Zhengzhou, Henan, as an example to compare the traditional and BIM optimized schemes. The results showed that the BIM-optimized scheme could make better use of raw materials with different specifications and the optimization scheme had higher economic benefits because of higher utilization rate, fewer processing personnel, and fewer working hours



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How to Cite

Application of BIM technology combined with artificial intelligence in construction management: artificial intelligence in construction management. (2021). Stavební Obzor - Civil Engineering Journal, 30(2).
Received 2021-04-14
Accepted 2021-06-22
Published 2021-07-28