
  • James Rilatupa Christian University of Indonesia




Building maintenance, Building ability


The Sion Church is one of the cultural heritage buildings that still need to be maintained, given its condition that has begun to deteriorate. It is fitting that a cultural heritage building needs to be preserved, especially as a heritage asset in the capital that is more than three centuries old in dire need of conservation action. Meanwhile, routine monitoring and evaluation activities are one of the tools in preserving cultural heritage buildings. The purpose of this activity is to find out and collect data on the maintenance of a cultural heritage building so that any damage found in the cultural heritage building can be followed up. It is intended that cultural heritage buildings can be maintained and their existence is preserved because there are things that are valuable to human civilization including religion, science, culture, etc. The conditions of ability and upkeep of the Sion Church Building were assessed on the basis of weighting assessments namely in design and upkeep work suitable which was adjusted for Indonesia (humid tropical climate). Based on the results of the examination, obtained that the ability quality of the Sion Church building was 43.70 that was included in the moderate damaged maintenance condition category


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