
  • Dominik Brétt Czech technical university in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Geomatics, Prague, Thákurova 2077/7, 166 29




InSAR, Remote Sensing, Sentinel-1, GIS, RMSE


The article is focused on the methodology of processing interferometric images and associated challenges with the processing. The article also contains useful links with explanations that can be used for processing data from the Sentinel-1 satellite. To emphasize the data limits of Sentinel-1, several areas of interest were chosen for comparison in the home environment of the Czech Republic, the Bílina quarry area, and the Žatec area were selected. For subsequent comparison, arid areas with a rich history located in Sudan were selected. The colleagues of the author from the Faculty of The Environment of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University participate in expeditions there. Each of these locations is limited by different parameters the areas in the Czech Republic are mainly limited by location because of occurring vegetation. Sudan's regions, on the other hand, are arid but are limited by insufficient coverage by capturing the Sentinel-1 satellite. To create digital height models from Sentinel-1 satellite data, it is necessary to search for data with sufficient coherence of images, and parameters of the amount of vegetation with a period between individual images play an important role. The areas were compared with each other and with the commonly available SRTM elevation model, both from a visual point of view where digital height models and shaded surface models were created, as well as statistically using RMSE.


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