
  • Zifei Li China Hebei Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Group Ltd, Hebei, China
  • Lin Qi 1. Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin, China;
  • Yongcheng Huai 1. Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin, China;



Double-layer reciprocal frame, Prefabricated structure, Prefabricated connector, Steel structure


A kind of lattice-type steel member is presented and a kind of prefabricated connector suitable for the connection between lattice-type steel members are proposed. The mechanical properties of the connectors are analyzed by using the finite element numerical simulation software ABAQUS. The connectors meet the design goals of the stiffness of connection stronger than members. Parameterized analysis is carried out on the prefabricated connector, and the flexural stiffness expression of the connector is obtained. The suggested values of each component of the prefabricated connectors are given based on the size of connected lattice-type steel members.


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How to Cite

STUDY ON PREFABRICATED CONNECTOR OF DOUBLE-LAYER RECIPROCAL FRAME. (2022). Stavební Obzor - Civil Engineering Journal, 31(4), 586-600.
Received 2022-01-27
Accepted 2022-12-02
Published 2022-12-31