
  • Daniel Jindra Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology
  • Petr Hradil



Impact loading, Concrete structure, Numerical analysis, Finite element method, Basalt fibre reinforced plastic (BFRP)


This paper describes advanced numerical analysis of a simply supported reinforced concrete slab exposed to close range explosion of a TNT charge. Finite element method (FEM) has been utilized in order to conduct the analysis. Non-linear material model for concrete slab is adopted. Reinforcing bars made of basalt fibre reinforced plastic (BFRP) are considered by elastic-plastic material model. 3D numerical model has been created, and a software with explicit solver (LS-Dyna) has been used in order to conduct analyses. A simplified modelling method of the blast loading has been utilized, which is based on the consideration of the load effects as a time dependent pressure. Several cases with different mesh size or different finite element formulation are investigated. The results are compared with experimental data based on study of fellow researchers. Match between the numerical analyses and measurements is discussed and considered as satisfying.


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How to Cite

NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF BFRP REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB EXPOSED TO IMPACT LOADS. (2022). Stavební Obzor - Civil Engineering Journal, 31(2), 360-367.
Received 2022-03-12
Accepted 2022-07-26
Published 2022-07-31