
  • Ashok Karki Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus
  • Santosh Bhattarai
  • Pradhumna Joshi
  • Mukesh Raj Kafle
  • Rajesh Bhattarai




2D-HEC-RAS modelling, Dam Breach, Inundation Mapping, Local Sensitivity Analysis, Global Sensitivity Analysis, Monte Carlo


A dam break is a low-probability, high risk catastrophe event that is extremely destructive and has a substantial negative socio-economic impact on downstream and nearby areas. Simulating dam breach and analyzing flood propagation downstream from those events is vital for identifying and minimizing the risks associated downstream of dam location. This study is intended to anlayse the effect of overtopping failure of dam for two scenario  (a) base-case scenario (scenario with average value of dam breach parameters from their range) and (b) worst case scenario (the breach with largest geometry, shortest formation time and highest peak outflow magnitude). Further, a hydrodyanmic modelling is perfomed to  investigate  the sensitivity analysis (local and global) of five dam breach parameters (dam breach elevation, dam breach width, breach formation time, weir coefficient, trigger failure elevation) on breach outflow in a proposed hydropower project located in Nepal. Aeronautical Reconnaissance Coverage Geographic Information System (ArcGIS), Hydraulic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) and OriginPro 2022b are utilized to analyse the effect of  dam breach and parameter sensitivity.

Generation of outflow hydrograph shows that worst case scenario has devasting effect downstream with innudation of 1047 of househols and 50.83 kilometers of roads. The breach velocty was recorded as 15.16 m/s and 20.85 m/s for base and worst case respectively. The minimum depth and maximum depth of flooding downstream from dam location was found to be 24.51 m and 73.6 m for base case and 47.43 m and 106.75 m for worst case. Due to backwater effect at Bheri river, peak flow at 14 km downstream from dam reduces significantly to 124852.57 m3/s and 244204.41 m3/s for base and worst case respectively. From local sensitivty analysis it has been found that, dam breach elevation is more sensitive and triggering failure elevation is less sensitive for peak outflow hydrograph. Whereas, dam breach width seems more sensitive and TFE seems least sensitive for peak outflow using Monte Carlo Simulation for gloal sensitivity.


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