
  • Özden Saygili Yeditepe University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul, 34755, Turkey



Masonry buildings, Seismic analysis, Near-field seismic motion, Time history analysis


On October 23, 2011 an earthquake occurred approximately 20 km north of the province of Van,
Turkey with a magnitude of Mw 7.2. Following the main earthquake, 111 aftershocks with
magnitudes of 4.0 and above occurred. The state of damage was very severe and considerable
amount of unreinforced masonry buildings were affected highlighting the need for investigating the
seismic design of unreinforced masonry buildings in the affected area. In this paper, seismic
behaviour of a two story masonry building designed according to the Turkish Building Seismic Code
2018 is presented. The main objective of this activity was to study the near field and far field synthetic
ground motions, artificial ground motions and evaluating the responses to get reliable information on
the seismic response of masonry buildings.


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