
  • Alexey Manaenkov Czech Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Experimental Centre, Thákurova 2636/7a, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Michaela Steinerová Czech Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Rock Structure and Mechanics, V Holešovičkách 94/41, Prague, Czech Republic;
  • Ekaterina Kukleva Czech Technical University, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Břehová 7, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Jiří Litoš Czech Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Experimental Centre, Thákurova 2636/7a, Prague, Czech Republic




Geopolymer, Metakaolin, Kaolin, Mechanical properties, Frost resistance


Industrially produced metakaolin may contain raw kaolin residues. Therefore, the aim of this work was to determine the impact of kaolin remains on the metakaolin and the final geopolymer quality. A series of mixtures based on metakaolin (Mefisto L05 by CLUZ Nove Straseci, Czech Republic) was prepared with the 0-60 wt% gradual addition of raw kaolin, and the mechanical strength of the final geopolymer products was tested. It was found that up to a 20 wt. % amount of kaolin in metakaolin does not weaken the geopolymer’s performance. Moreover, a geopolymer made of metakaolin with 2-4 wt% of kaolin showed slightly better mechanical properties than the geopolymers made from metakaolin itself.


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