
  • Kamila Horová Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Steel and Timber Structures, Thákurova 7, 166 29, Prague 6, Czech Republic
  • František Wald Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Steel and Timber Structures, Thákurova 7, 166 29, Prague 6, Czech Republic




structural fire design; travelling fire; fire test; non-uniform temperature conditions; CFD; structural response; composite steel-concrete floor


In order to follow modern trends in contemporary building architecture, which is moving off
the limits of current fire design models, assumption of homogeneous temperature conditions used
for structural fire analysis needs to be revised. In this paper fire dynamics of travelling fire is
investigated experimentally by conducting fire test in two-storey experimental building. To evaluate
the impact of travelling fire on the mechanical behaviour of a structure, the spatial and temporal
evolution of the gas temperature calculated in NIST code FDS, which was validated to
experimental measurements, is applied to the composite floor of dimensions 9.0 m by 9.0 m.
Mechanical behaviour of the composite slab highly affected by regions of high temperatures and
areas with only elevated temperatures is solved in code Vulcan. To highlight the severity of
spreading fire causing non-uniform temperature conditions, which after-effects differ from
traditional methods, a comparison of both methods is introduced. The calculation of mechanical
behaviour of the composite floor is repeated in a series of three different thermal loading cases.
Results of all cases are then compared in terms of vertical displacement and axial force in several
positions of the composite floor.


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