
  • Daniela Jarušková Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Mathematics, Thárukova 7, 166 29, Prague 6, Czech Republic
  • Hana Horáková Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Mathematics, Thárukova 7, 166 29, Prague 6, Czech Republic
  • Ladislav Satrapa Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Hydraulic Structures , Thárukova 7, 166 29, Prague 6, Czech Republic



Climate change, discharges, statistical methods, changes in annual means, changes in seasonal behaviour.


The paper presents some results of a research devoted to a statistical analysis of discharges in pilot catchments in the Czech Republic with the aim to detect changes in their stochastic behaviour that might be caused by climate changes. The nonstandard statistical methods are applied to detect changes in annual means as well as in seasonal behaviour of runoffs series.


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