
  • Jan Pacina Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Faculty of Environment, Dept. of informatics and geoinformatics, Králova Výšina 1, 400 96, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
  • Ján Sládek Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Stefanikova 49, 814 73, Bratislava, Slovak Republic




North-West Bohemia, Nechranice dam, Bathymetric mapping, open-pit mine, aerial survey.


Landscape changes are a very common phenomenon in the area of North-West Bohemia
(the Czech Republic) as this area is heavy industrialized. This paper presents two methods for
observing the landscape – the bathymetric mapping and the aerial mapping. The bathymetric
mapping is used to reconstruct the original surface in area where the Nechranice dam was built in
1960’ and to evaluate the sedimentation caused by the Ohře River. The original surface of the Ohře
river canyon was reconstructed using old maps and the bathymetric mapping was performed with
Lowrance HDS-5 Sonar. The aerial mapping introduced in this paper is a new method of using Small
Format Aerial Photography in connection with an ordinary aircraft. The gimbal (camera stabilization)
normally used by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles is mounted into a small aircraft and allowing the
scanning of very large areas – in our case the open-pit mine Tušimice was the target of our study.
The derived orthophoto and Digital Surface Models were used to complete the georelief development
analysis based on old maps and aerial photographs.



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How to Cite

OBSERVING LANDSCAPE CHANGES USING DISTANT. (2015). Stavební Obzor - Civil Engineering Journal, 24(1). https://doi.org/10.14311/CEJ.2015.01.0004