Computational Modelling in Development of a Design Procedure for Concrete Road


  • B. Novotný


The computational modelling plays a decisive part in development of a new design procedure for concrete pavement by quantifying impacts of individual design factors. In the present paper, the emphasis is placed on the modelling of a structural response of the jointed concrete pavement as a system of interacting rectangular slabs transferring wheel loads into an elastic layered subgrade. The finite element plate analysis is combined with the assumption of a linear contact stress variation over triangular elements of the contact region division. The linking forces are introduced to model the load transfer across the joints. The unknown contact stress nodal intensities as well as unknown linking forces are determined in an iterative way to fulfil slab/foundation and slab/slab contact conditions. The temperature effects are also considered and space is reserved for modelling of inelastic and additional environmental effects. It is pointed out that pavement design should be based on full data of pavement stressing, in contradiction to procedures accounting only for the axle load induced stresses.


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Author Biography

  • B. Novotný




